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Ethel's Quilt Shoppe Calendar

Sit n' Stitch

Bring a project of your choice to either hand stitch, embroider, punch, cross stitch or even hook!

Sit n' Stitch

Bring a project of your choice to either hand stitch, embroider, punch, cross stitch or even hook!

Sit n' Stitch

Bring a project of your choice to either hand stitch, embroider, punch, cross stitch or even hook!

Class Policies

  • All class participants must have a legal copy of the class pattern/book to follow.  No sharing of patterns or books.
  • A class supply list will be supplied to you at time of class enrollment.  Save 10% on all class supplies listed on the supply list if purchased at time of enrollment.
  • Must have a working knowledge of your sewing machine.
  • The class fee must be collected when you sign up for the class to guarantee your seat.
  • If you cannot attend a class for which you have registered, you must let us know 2 days prior to the start of the class.  We will be happy to refund your class fee and/or register you in another class if available. A no-show or cancellation within two days of the class will result in a forfeiture of the class fee.
  • If for any reason Ethel has to cancel a class you will be refunded your class fee and/or be rescheduled for another date/time.
  • Classes and/or Special Events are for those registered participants only, no other family members/friends may attend.

Block of the Month Policy

When you register for our block-of-the-month quilt programs, it is understood that you are registering for the entire program. We will abide by this policy and prepare a kit for you each month with the understanding that you will remain in the program for the duration.


We understand, however, that things happen. If something happens that causes you to need to cancel, please let us know right away! Should you need to cancel before the program is over, however, there will be a cancellation fee of $50.00.  Any programs or groups that have a flat upfront fee are not eligible for cancellation and/or return.

Often times we provide complete products (pattern, background, etc.) on our BOM programs during the first month. This is for your convenience and to protect against possible dyelot changes in the fabrics.  In these cases, if a cancellation is made by the customer before the 6th month, a fee for the full amount of the items (pattern, background, etc) will be charged to the credit card you have provided along with the cancellation fee.

Mistakes happen:
Ethel's Quilt Shoppe tries to hold back extra fabric that is available for you to purchase at a small price. Please just call and discuss it with us!  We will do our best to help you fix your mistake.

Start-Up Fee:
Ethel's does not charge a start-up fee for our BOM programs.  However, when you sign up, we are taking your word that you are committed to the program for the duration of the program.   Since there are no start-up fees, that is why there is a cancellation fee if you discontinue the program.

If you are signing up for a Block of the Month and already have the book/pattern, let us know  When possible, we can exclude the pattern and set up a store credit for you. All pre-cut applique (or laser-cut) programs are excluded from this as we MUST include the pattern with our program due to copyright laws.

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